Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Flash Back, Flash Forward

I am doing a research paper right now on why students in America would benefit on taking a gap year. In this process, I have been having all kinds of flash backs to last year at Link Year. In all research papers, you have to have the pros and the cons, which has made me think a lot about if I were to go back to my senior year in high school knowing what I know now, would I do it all again?

I'm blogging tonight to tell you yes, a million times yes. If I could get in a time portal tonight being my 20 year old self, I would go back and tell 18 year old Tori to go for it.

1. Do a gap year!

  You will never regret taking time off to get to know yourself better. Traveling helps to have a better understanding of the world around and that will always be useful. Also, statistics show that you loose the basic information that is lost within the first 2 months after learning it and after that you retain it for at least 2 years. What's there to loose?! You have done 3 months of summer every year, you can retain that information!

2. Love

  Just because you're young doesn't mean you shouldn't love someone. You should obviously be really careful on who you love, but defiantly don't nix the idea. Love doesn't have to be romantic though, some of the best love you can experience is with friends. The best friends you can have will show unconditional love and you will show it right back. I have learned so much in the past 2 years just on what it looks like to love selflessly, and love like Jesus. When you learn to love someone for who they really are and not for the things they do… that's when you're stuck. I've got a couple people that I'm going to be stuck with forever because I've learned to love the right way with them.

3. Don't do something you don't want to tell your (future) kids about!

  I'm not perfect, that is beyond true. Though when I make decisions, I try to think out the repercussions. Having a great time is 100% on my to do list pretty much 24/7 but I think having this in the back of my mind has helped me remember to make wise decisions I won't regret in the morning or 20 years from now.

4. Spend time with Jesus.

  I don't care if it is time in the word, fellowship, or time in prayer. When Jesus is out of the picture, you will notice… WITHOUT A DOUBT you will notice. Jesus is the go to guy for just about everything, for me I talk a lot, and I think He is the only one who hasn't complained about listening. I ask him for a lot (good grades, making putts, working out situations) but I also realize I would be NOTHING without him. "He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30 (ESV) The more you look to him and less at yourself the better life becomes.

I'm sure I could make a list of 50 things I would go back and tell my high school self, though the main thing is live without regrets. As far as I am concerned,  that is the key. Any advice anyone else will give you will boil down to "Are you going to regret it or not." Sometimes, making the right decision for yourself will be hard, and you won't want to do it. Do it anyway, because in the long run… you won't regret it.

Note to my future self;
Tori, I am doing a lot of things to make your present life a lot easier and more awesome… so you better be enjoying it!

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