Thursday, January 23, 2014

One Week Until We Skip The Pond

Our second week back and man was I right when thinking that it felt like we leave tomorrow when coming back to break. This week has been a mixture of preparing for The Big Trip and then we also had P31 week.
 For P31 week the girls and boys were split and we had speakers come to talk about relationships, dating, self-image, along with various other things that retained to girls. My favorite speaker was probably either Jennifer Fairly or Jen Ford. Jennifer Fairly discussed relationship with friends and in dating. We talked about the difference in following culture and confidence in God. She along with Karen Chansey talked about how the word or culture has a very skewed vision of what a good life looks like. The world will tell you "You aren't good enough", "You won't amount to anything", "You don't look acceptable", along with a long list of other lies. Lies that focus on one person. YOU. When we have confidence in God we are able to have our relationships be not focused on self and have a better success rate. Jen Ford stressed the importance of really just living life. She talked about living a life of adventure. She didn't think that a girl should be married before 25 because of the life we had to live before marriage. One thin I particularly like that Jen said was, don't live your life thinking once I get to where I need to be (as though, there is a certain point everyone needs to be) God will bless me with a husband. God can put someone in your life at any point in your life. This week has been a very moving week with everything that has been said, but now it is time to start packing for the Big Trip.

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