Thursday, December 12, 2013

Link Year Finals

To all you kids out there that have been studying for hours, lacking in sleep, and just so ready for Christmas break because that means no school…

 I would love to say I can relate though that would make me a liar.

This week at link year we painted a little, volunteered here and there, got to sleep in an extra hour or so,  I drove to Bolivar with a jeep full of girls in the middle of a blizzard to see THE Ben Rector, we made our semester videos, and you know… just had and amazing week. Sure it was tiring. Sure there was a point I thought I was going to die because the paint fumes almost killed me. Sure I had to study quite a bit for my JBU classes, and sure it has been REALLY cold. But really, this week is defiantly better than a finals week. All my twitter feed is is complaints about how miserable people are because of finals…. I mean seriously people, you signed up for it! Stop acting like it's some surprise. 

In JBU this week I gave a speech that I am particularly proud of writing. In Econ we had our last test before our final. With both a speech and a test to either memorize and feel comfortable with or just know my economics there was a lot to do. I can honestly say though that I feel very comfortable with how I preformed in class.

In link year life, we didn't have a normal schedule. This week was Link Year Gives Back. The girls started off the week decorating cookies for community members and everyone in the Kanakuk main offices. When was the last time you decorated a cookie and didn't eat one or even lick your fingers. Try it some time,  I dare you. It is a lot harder than you think. Then we volunteered at the Boys and Girls club. I was in the painting group. Painting a hallway with all the doors shut isn't the best idea BUT at least we got the job done! I got sick after boys and girls club, so sleeping for  4 hours seemed to be the cure. 

 ** note to self: If sleep can't fix the problem, the problem probably requires more than Advil.**

That night, when turing in my video to Kevin in the Dining Hall the institute was having a party. That is the thing about living on the island, you never know what you are going to walk into.

For JBU students we spent our Thursday morning taking our Econ test and for the girls cleaning the offices. This afternoon we finished up with presenting our semester video. TGIF tomorrow is supposed to be fantastic, and when Donyes gets this excited it's pretty much a guaranteed good time. 

This week at the link was busy with all kinds of things, but this week was defiantly better than finals week!

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