Thursday, December 5, 2013

Missouri Weather Week

Hey Guys!
 Well, its been a while since my last blog! Link Year has been keeping us really busy! We were out on a week of Urban Entry which was an experience of a life time in Kansas City, then we had our Thanksgiving break.  Thanksgiving break was seriously so fun! I couldn't leave the first several days and friends cam to visit and when I went home I got to see friends even more! It was great! On Thanksgiving, I ran the Turkey Trot. I am just telling you, if you don't do well in the cold, don't like to run, and don't want to end up running alone…. don't start a 5K with your mom after she has her gull bladder taken out. You will end up running when she quits and will end up doing it all alone. You don't want to be that awkward person "jogging" a 5K alone. (side note) We got back Monday evening and have been busy busy since!

Monday night we all met in the chapel and Adam gave us paper and sticky notes and told us he wanted us to make Advent Christmas trees. I loved this idea and rolled with it. We were challenged to write things we would do everyday that were for someone else or glorifying to God.

Tuesday we had a little different scheduale. My institute mentor and I met at 6:30 in the AM! Then, we went and signed up for 2nd semester J.B.U. classes. We had our small group meetings which I felt like I hadn't met with in forever in a day! Then all of Link Year headed to the Hilton to take our Christmas card picture! Oh boy was that chaos! But we ended with a great picture! Tuesday afternoon was our JBU classes. If felt so good to be back in a routine of something semi normal. Tuesday night was a night spent of N.C.C. studying and roommate bonding time. Oh how Ive miss my girls!

Wednesday and Thursday we had L.Y. class and Brian Wang was the speaker for the week. I loved getting to hear Brian's story. Brian is very passionate about what he speaks about. He showed us some really great videos that I personally just loved. 

Not the exact video but pretty similar. same story.

That video had me  seconds away from balling my eyes out and a larger amount of the class 2 minutes past crying their eyes out. Brian said to look at the video like we are the son and God is the father. The moment the father is carrying us across the finish line is so inspirational because it is so apparent that we are unable to do any of the race on our own. 

Now that I've been super vulnerable to a lighter topic. 

IT'S ICY!!! IT'S SNOWING!! IT"S DECEMBER! It was 65 degrees yesterday but not today! today its a winter wonderland! We are all stuck on the island and we are being forced to watch Christmas movies, rest, and just do wintery things.  

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