Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mixing It Up at the Link

This wasn’t  a normal week at Link Year, though if I really get down to it nothing is really normal here. (positive thing) This week we were blessed with the opportunity to go to Tulsa for a Steve Moakler concert in the front yard of one of our fellow linkyearians homes. Her parents chartered a bus and brought us all the way down to Tulsa for an extremely fun night. Needless to say Steve was amazing and her family was extremely hospital. So that was Monday in a whirl wind. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday Mr. Marvin Daniels came and taught. I especially liked his teaching on Wednesday because it was very audience active. He had us play an opinion game that really got you thinking.  Then at the Fort Joey Tisdale spoke, not ironically one what our precepts were on this week. I started my precepts that night and being able to connect the sermon with my bible study make things click a lot easier! Today, we didn’t have class but instead had T.G.I.T (way to mix it up!) We went through a variety of little “work shops” on how to do things that will help us become more productive in the real world.  For example, I learned to change a tire today. I may never have to apply that skill, but I know how now. I was impressed with myself. Though my favorite thing we did today was learn to swing dance. Living in Missouri all my life one would think I would know how to dance… but one would be wrong. I got 2 different partners that really helped me figure out what I was doing, I was so excited to have that skill clicking. Tonight a hug group of us are going swing dancing in Springfield, which will be an extremely fun time. No worries though to all the moms out there reading this, we aren’t staying too late because we have a work day tomorrow and we all know nothing good happens after 10:30 at Midnight Rodeo.  This has been a crazy week but extremely enjoyable. God is teaching me a lot that I wasn’t even aware I needed to be taught. When He throws curve balls out at you it is really hard to try and dodge them, but I’ve realized Gods got pretty good aim. It is easier to just take what He has and let it effect my life in the sanctification process.

   Keep reading kids, I’ll keep dancing!

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