Thursday, October 31, 2013

This week has really flown by!

We had parents weekend last weekend, which was nice being able to see the parents and let them see a little bit of what link year is on campus.

Our TGIF was a scavenger hunt where we had to trade our items starting with a paper clip… in the Branson area. That was a super fun game! My family group ended up with a Branson Car Auction ticket for 2014! I would say success.

Our speaker this week was absolutely phenomenal. BJ Thompson was here for 3 days. In class he went over
1.     Who are you?
2.     Who are we?
3.     Why are we here?
Each day he answered each question and did a great job teaching. As much as  I enjoyed his teaching the reason I think he was so great was because I was blessed to be eating at the Donyes house this Wednesday night for family group. BJ was there and as we ate dinner we all were talking and kind of telling what we were learning right now in our relationships with God. I said that I was being taught that I didn’t need to depend on people and being made painfully aware that I have depended on certain people too much, rather than giving things to God. After telling BJ more of my story he was extremely encouraging in telling me thing he had dealt with and telling me things to avoid. I was very unsure how I felt about at first in telling this group of people some very personal things. In telling about myself, I realized that the encouragement I needed was only going to be given if I told. I think the cool part about BJ being here was even if He didn’t impact one Link Year student during class (which I am positive he did) I know that God put me at the Donyes kitchen table next to him last night just for that impact.  Also we were talking at dinner about how fame isn’t something that Christian artist want for themselves… or at least they shouldn’t want it for themselves. And all the sudden while talking about him, Lacrea called BJ, so we had a speaker phone “quick chat”.  I thought it was pretty great just because, in that call I just heard two really God loving men give the glory of everything they accomplished to God.  I was very humbled in that moment.  So this week you could defiantly say God has been working in me!

Happy Reformation Day!

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