Thursday, October 24, 2013

Such A Great Week

This week has seriously gone by so fast! No matter what was going on, it was just a fun week.
We had a great T.G.I.F. to start off a super sweet weekend! If you have never played archery tag you haven't lived! I have a major bruise from it and I couldn't be prouder of it! It is getting a little better since last friday, but you can see the picture yourself. I had some friends in town for a car auction this weekend and I absolutely loved being able to see them but also being able to show them what and where Link Year is. I think it is probably 50 times easier to understand what we are doing here when you can come and actually see campus life. ( I encourage anyone thinking about Link Year or even trying to get your parents to understand what Link Year is to come visit.) Side note from the weekend, don't let someone with a key card get you into the office building because your key card doesn't work. You will get stuck. You will need someone to save you. (Thank you Steph Donye).

 Monday was so great.  We had accountability in the morning which I really enjoyed just being able to chat with the girls in my group and see what was on everyones mind. Somehow Mondays here aren't like typical Mondays, I don't dread waking up, I actually kinda like it! Steph went through Precepts this week at our Bible Study and she showed a really great video that really stuck with me. After Bible study, we went to small groups where we were able to dive in and really just be real with each other. I am honestly just loving my small group SO MUCH. I have lunch duty on monday, which I have honestly loved.Hortensia  is so fun to work with and for such a small women she has so much spunk, I cant help but laugh at pretty much everything she does.  During World View, Adam told us that this week was spirit week and told us the themes, so reasonably right after class my room mates and  I went straight to the thrift shop! We got pretty excited. Monday night was homework night, JBU had a speech due and I wasn't feeling well so I got my speech wrote and went to sleep.

Tuesday was an early day. The girls meet with their institute mentors at 6:30 on tuesdays. Tuesday was also nerd day so not only did we have to wake up really early but we were all dressed crazy too! I love spirit week, so waking up knowing that it was the first day that everyone was going to be dressed up made it easy to get up! Brian Wang spoke at class on Managing Self and connected some dots. We went through the importance of our motivations behind what we are doing with our life. Tuesday I also had both of my JBU classes. I (for some reason) was extremely nervous for my speech. I got through it though so in the long run, I suppose it worked out just fine. Oh and did I mention that Adam Donye got our whole class SONIC! Big shout out! Thank YOU SO MUCH! After class I was ready to get back to the dorm and just fall into a small coma. But instead I started working on an outfit for Wednesdays spirit day, a few hours later I had it finished. Then we had cake for someones birthday in the dinning hall and the institute was having a 2 stepping party. Long story short every Link Year student was mesmerized.

Wednesday was Cowboys and Indians day! I got really into that and came as Woody (from Toy Story).  I was so stinking proud of that outfit I just felt like I was going to be a great mom because I could pull it off. Adam Martin spoke on Managing Money which I loved. He walked us through  and really encouraged us to get an account. I was able to have some down time and get a lot of things done before chapel which was so nice to not have to worry about everything "extra".  Donye spoke at The Fort and I cant help but realize what his really great speaking techniques are after being in his class.    After The Fort, I went to watch the World Series game 1 in the dining hall where I left very disappointed. But I was really grateful I had the T.V. to watch it on at all. I had been trying to listen to it on the radio before I was on campus and I realized that the radio is all that some people have. The T.V. is something I take for granted very easily.

Today was sports day. Most people came dressed up in sports clothes that they weren't involved in, which made it a pretty funny day. We also had some perspective students come today... I can only imagine what was going through their head when they walked in to see our class. Donye talked about Managing Time and walked us through our daily schedule and how much time we have that we don't think we have. When you write down what you do during the day, you see how much time you really waste. I loved the quote "We always have time for what is important to us." It really gave me something to think about.

Tonight we have a bonfire planned in the lower fields so that should be pretty great. This has been a great week, and it has flown by so quick! Cant wait to see what the next weeks have to come. Parents weekend is this weekend, which means my car is finally going to get the washing it needs and I get to see my parents!

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