Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Long Week a Link

This week was extremely busy for me! On Monday we had our morning accountability groups and our small group in the afternoon. I am really starting to love Mondays! Tanya taught the girls on our precepts and I felt like she made it make more relevance. Tuesday was a long busy day! It started at 6:30 when we had our first official meeting with our institute mentor. I still haven't got my head on straight with having a mentor that is married and in a different stage of life than I am but I am eager to see what God is going to bring out of that relationship in this year. After mentor groups got over, Karen Chansey came and gave us an overview of the Bible. It was really interesting how historically it matched up and just the routes the biblical charters took and how everything was relevant to today. Tuesday afternoon was my JBU classes which I am throughly loving. If any of you out there every have a chance to have Adam Donye or Martin teach you about something they are passionate about DO IT! I love getting to learn from men who can give examples using their own life. It honestly has helped the learning process so much. On Wednesday, I had another very busy day! It started off with another NCC quiz which I didn't study AS MUCH as I wish I could have because I also had my apologetical questions that day! I was willing to risk a super great grade on NCC this week to truly understand my apologetics. I researched and found what I could that supported my case, but also the counter argument as well. After I felt I had a fairly good grip on my opinion and what the Bible had to say about it I made some calls. I first called my  brother who is in seminary and also pastoring a small church, I figured he would be ready for an apologetic question. I was right. Tim and I had an hour long conversation discussing all 3 of my questions. When I got off the phone with him I called my dad to see  another opinion.  My dad sent me a text later telling me everything he had to say about them as well... to my surprise I had pretty much the exact same things that the 2 most Godly men I know had.  Class on Wednesday was Joe White and Adam Donyes! I felt like I should have been sitting in the K-2 chapel for K-equip. Cant help but love that! After class on Wednesday we had family dinners. I was blessed to have dinner at the Martins, I had a blast to say the least. We talked about a lot of things but, I loved hearing the story of how Katlyn and Adam met and then how he pursued her. (made my heart melt) If i wasn't excited before to go to Ireland,  I defiantly am now! This morning Ward Wiebee came and went over the gospels with us! I loved hearing how different they all are but yet they are the exact same! It was very informal. The directors are really pumping up TGIF this week, so I am really excited to hear where we end up going! I am really excited for this weekend all around. My bestfriend will be here and we are hitting up the Branson Car auction! (Get on our level) So far I would say Ive had some great weeks and some really great weekends. I mean last weekend a huge group of us went to Silver Dollar City! You cant get better than that... no, You cant get better than Link.

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