Thursday, October 10, 2013

We're One Month In!

This week has been a quick week!
We started off the week with Adam Donyes teaching about the "7 Pillars" of Link Year and Worldview.
1.Authentic Accountability
2.Biblical Worldview
3.Growing in Gratefulness
4.Heart Transformation
5.Maximizing Moments
6.Privileged Responsibility
7.Student of Scripture

Donyes began to unpack what each of these pillars should look like in our own life as the year progresses.

1. Authentic Accountability 

  • Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another.

Adam said "You don’t want people that tell you what you want to hear, you need people that tell you what you need to hear." This was perfect timing for him to talk about accountability because on Monday we with our accountability partners for the first time. We went to Mcdonald's at 8 and just ate breakfast and talked. I was glad to get away from just being with everyone and have some one on one conversation. I really enjoy getting to know people for who they really are so it was great to have that down time and Im excited to see what God has in store with these girls. On Monday we also were told who are small groups were and were able to have our first "outing".

On Tuesday I had JBU classes and I had to turn in my first speech. I am really excited for both the classes I am taking just because I fell like I am actually going to learn something from these, rather than just memorize random facts.

On Wednesday, Ms. Amy Simmons came and gave us her life story. She was very motivational, in telling all about her successes and her struggles in her life. Being very politically minded, I was very interested in her story about speaking at the White House and her chat with President George W. Bush.
We had our 2nd N.C.C. quiz, which I felt fairly confident about.... I got my score back today, I should probably read questions more carefully. We also had the Fort and Chapel. Keith Chansey spoke at chapel... He told a story about a man dying in church that was humorous because the man was revived. That story must have had a bigger impact on me than I realized because I had a dream last night that a very similar situation happened. I wasn't  at family dinner so I ate in the dinning hall, everyone in the dining hall had some really good community. Then we were surprised with A TON OF ICE CREAM! so pretty much that was great!

Today, being Thursday. In link year life that means its really Friday. I had my JBU econ class and then started my weekend. I decided I want to start a diet to just be a healthier me. So I got in the jeep and went to walmart! I got myself a cart of healthy foods and when I got to the register and swiped my card the most embaressing thing happened. My card had a lack of money on it.... Needless to say, I should have probably have kept track of where my money was being spent the last 2 weeks. 

Lesson: If you are good with managing your cash, keep the same ethic when you have a card. Keep track of how much you start with and how much you use every time, 5 bucks adds up every time you use it. 

This week has been a great week! Tomorrow is T.G.I.F. and no one has any idea where we are going, CANT WAIT! See you tomorrow for my T.G.I.F. post! 

Fare Warning, I may or may not start posting about some style observations. 

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