Thursday, April 24, 2014

Class is Out

This was the last week of class here at Link Year. We had JP here this week from The Porch in Dallas. He was so great. He talked about just about anything and everything you could think of. The thing I loved was that everything came back down to the only thing that matters is the gospel. He spoke at the Fort last night too about the 7 things that will ruin your 20s.  Essentially, that is what we have talked about all week.

JP brought his friend garret with him who gave a little talk today. He talked about desire. We looked at Jacob and Esaw (I know that is not how you spell it-- feel free to correct me). And how Jacob was able to see the desire for SOUP that his older brother had and trade out what would become the entire lineage of Jesus for a bowl to soup. We all let our desires take ahold of us sometimes, but when you look at it this way, I can't help but wonder what I have compromised for desires.

This week we finished our girls book we were all going through. We had a sonic party, no big.

We had our Psychology final today, which I feel pretty confident about. Anyone thinking about JBU next year while at link, I encourage it. Do it! you will enjoy it and learn something believe it or not.

We are starting to pack up. The more stuff out of my room the weirder it is to me. Our room in particular is becoming very bare. LOTS of clothes have gone home, tubs, and random nic naks. By this time next week it will all be completely bare. All that is left for us at school is P52, a work week, and some fun. I guess I should get of my computer and go maximize my moments!

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