Thursday, March 27, 2014


**SPEAKER RECAP** - Brady White

Tuesday:    G.O.D. three little letter, one short word, and one unbelievable being. Brady started off by making sure the class knew the importance of God. We often talk about Him and really don't give Him the credit He deserves, we try to simplify Him and put Him in a box so that we can understand Him, and in that box we give Him qualities that are simply just Hollywood.

Wednesday: We were made to preoccupied. We talked an awful lot about technology. If you are honest  you would say that pulling your phone out and either playing a game or getting on a social media network is pretty much a second nature by now. When most people get into a relationship they have the other person on their mind a lot, sometimes to a point where they just can't help but to always be thinking about them, and then some people can sit down and just not be able to focus their thought on what is happening. I can personally say I have or am a victim to all of the things above. Brady pointed out why it is that we eat this stuff up. We were made to be focused on something all the time. And cell phones, relationships, and deep thoughts aren't bad but we have aloud them to take a bigger effect in our lives than they should. We were made to be preoccupied in Jesus Christ. We went into description the day before of just how big God is, that we can't even wrap our minds around Him. How can we not be thinking about Him all the time?

Thursday: Love. Now before you get on your high horse and say "Of course, a group of teenagers and young 20s, they would talk about love.) Well mr. or mrs. lets stereotype young people, you may simply be surprised especially since we didn't talk about the sterotypical "young people" stuff. Brady discussed  how great marriage is, but also discussed how it creates its own challenges. We talked about marriage biblically "not being for everyone". Paul said that being married is a gift from God, but being single is even better. Not exactly what you would say tickles your ear. AKA, you may not get married and guess what YOURE NOT CURSED, you're BLESSED. Paul talks about your time being divided when you are married, as to when you are single you are able to not focus on worldy things such as pleasing your spouse but souely your relationship with Christ. Brady also said something that was a great thought. We have all heard of those single people saying "I'm dating Jesus." Kinda weird, lets be real, but none the less they sure do say it. Well what is dating exactly? It is waiting for a feeling of liking someone to go away to tell you you've decided you don't want to be around someone anymore. You're trying to figure out who you want to marry, right? and we wait for our feelings to dictate if we want to be with the person or not. (sounds great, right? and oh so reliable) Well, saying you're dating Jesus may not be so appealing now. Dating and breaking up and doing it all over again is just practicing divorce on a smaller level… So you're dating Jesus? How does it feel? We learned earlier this week that we don't always like what Gods plan is, it isn't always comfortable for us. In most relationships we would get uncomfortable and just break up. That is where Bradys point that too many people are simply "Dating Jesus" we are practicing the act of marriage with Him. Single people and married people alike understand that marriage is a commitment, dating is the lack of a full commitment.

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