Thursday, November 5, 2015

I'm Back

So, I looked into vamping up Here's Howe which was really great.... though I finally decided to stay put on blogspot for a while longer. I've been so extremely busy getting back in the groove of things here at Missouri State and dealing with a very unexpected death,  I just haven't found time to go take photos. Don't worry though that will all change soon! Starting next week I will be posting a minimum of 2 times a month! It is time to rise and shine, and get perky again! In the mean time, here are some pictures so you can see what's been going on in my life since school started up... Enjoy!



P.S. Go check out Oh BABY, BABY

 When you own a fur vest and a leather dress, you pretty much have to be a deer for halloween.

     formal is fun.homecoming is fun.

dances are fun.

sisters are fun.

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