Thursday, September 26, 2013

Link Life. Week 1 and 2

My first week of Link Year was last week and it was great. 
We all moved in on Sunday, then the next morning we were all up bright and early and ready by 6 a.m. for the best retreat I've ever been on. All the students and Staff loaded up and went to a dock on Table Rock Lake. It was the first official day, freezing, and early and I found myself sitting on a dock hearing all about the goals of my fellow link year students for the year. After that we headed to Shepard of The Ozarks in Arkansas for a bonding experience that I would have never expected. From the worship by the campfire to hiking up to a cave relationship grew. One night we all played "Stupid Ninja" (As Adam Donyes calls it. We had a championship to help with the message ( not the brag but, I totally won.)  Donyes challenged us as students to soak up everything we can from the next 9 months of our lives, to not let things distract us, and to really unpack ourselves and let real genuine relationships take place. 

They say that by the end of high school you will be able to count your real friends on one hand. This was deffinatly true for me. I was blessed to have a few great friends leaving high school but being at Link Year I want to leave with more than just a handful of "real friends". I decided that this year was going to be something so much more than high school. I have my heart prepared to be there in for anyone that needs me here, and it is only becoming more and more apparent that everyone here has the same readiness in their hearts. 

The first week of Link was crazy busy and I was ready for some stability. 

My second week at has been even better than the first! I have loved getting into the routine of everything! Monday started off great with Dr. Nathan Baxter coming and speaking for our first link year class. Dr. Baxter went through Lead Self, Lead Others. He spoke about the potential we all have and the potential we all have with Christ. We discussed what we were able to obtain alone and what we were able to obtain with Christ. We can do great thing in our life's alone, but we can do life changing things that will last for eternity with Christ. Dr. Baxter also went through what is called a Birkman. If is a test that allows the test taker to understand themselves on a whole new level. It brought a few things to light that I may have rather had stay in the shadows but, I am glad that I know them because how do you fix something if you don't know it's broken? 
I had Lunch Duty on Monday... lets just say someone forgot that they had duty and I got to take on their job of making tea. I don't drink tea. I've never made tea. The Institutes tea overflowed. A lot. Oops.

Tuesday Dr. Baxter was back to go over the same things in a deeper level then our J.B.U. classes started. I couldnt have asked for a better first day of college classes. I honestly believe I am going to love these classes and enjoy them for all they are worth. 

Wednesday Mr. Don (flex those calves) Ford came to talk to us about Goal setting. I have heard him give very similar talks before and I have never got as much out of it as I did yesterday. He spoke on James 3:30 " He must increase and I must decrease." a key component for setting goals in our lives. When setting goals I have always tried to keep others in mind and put God as a priority but when Don said that it wasnt about "What can I do" but "What can God do through me" it just seemed to click. I have been the person that wanted to change their highschool, that wanted to "show Gods love" but I was never allowing Him to work through me. My goal to do crazy things for Him in my school didnt wok because I was try to see "what I could do". By myself. With MY relationships. Because I wanted to. I wasnt in the mindset of how can God change my school, my friends, and ultimately, me. To say the least Don Ford got through to me and I will be making my S.M.A.R.T. goals. Ironicly I had golf lessons that day and that just motivated me even more to become the best golfer I can be. 

Today THE BRYAN WANG talked to us. He went through the Christ Centered Life Plan with us. He challenged us to pick 8 areas that we can set our goals for. I am excited to see what God puts on my heart to set my goals for and see what it will take to accomplish them. We got out of class early today and my room mate and I went to Panera bread (thinking we would be original) and ran into about 10 other Link Year kids. Yeah, great minds think alike. I felt like a real college kid though, I was sitting in Paneara Bread with my laptop, my text book, and taking notes. I had my Economic class today and we had our first quiz. Everyone was really nervous but in the end I think we all ended up doing just fine. I went and turned in some applications at the Landing because I decided that a job was defiantly going to be a possiblity, even with everything I have going. Thats all I have to tell you all so far, BUT no worries! I will be updating this quite a lot. I think I am a natural blogger! 

Tomorrow is T.G.I.F.  Can't wait to find out what we are doing! So excited! Well I have to go live the night life of Branson! Peace Out. 

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